Our focus on equine behavior allows us to optimize the total health of your horse: physical, mental and emotional.

Small Animal

Veterinary Horsemanship
Do you have a horse, mule, or donkey who is difficult to handle? A patient who "hates the vet," or which other DVM's have refused to see?
We introduce you to Veterinary Horsemanship--our unique approach to handling patients. Time and again, we've used 5 minutes of simple horsemanship instead of 5 minutes waiting for sedation to kick in, and the experience is a win for all involved. Less drug for your horse. Less stress for your horse. Satisfaction for you as you see how well behaved your animal actually is, and a sheer kick in the pants for us because we're passionate about this method!
In addition to using Veterinary Horsemanship everyday on the job, we will also be offering workshops to teach these methods to YOU.

Equine Behavior Modification
Do you keep reaching for a sedative or a twitch to get one annoying thing done every 6 weeks ... 6 months ... even a year?
Whether it's standing for the farrier, taking their biannual deworming medication or tolerating mane pulling for your upcoming performance debut, Mertens Mammals can help your horse participate willingly in husbandry behaviors.
You already seek harmony, ease, and enthusiasm from your horse as your pursue your recreational goals, whether your ride is through the woods or through the start gate. Why not bring this same mind-set to the rest of your horse's life?
Call today if you have a question about that "one thing" your horse can't do, but you wish she could ... We'll help you get there!

As riders ourselves, we know soundness as both practitioner and participant.
When your horse is off, it's more than inconvenient--it's distressing to you and them. With our expertise, we can find the source of pain efficiently, and we understand the athletic demands of your particular activity.
Common causes of lameness include:
- Hoof abscesses
- Hoof pain
- Back Pain
- Arthritis
- Muscle soreness
- Tendon and Ligament injury
- Neurologic disease
- etc.
We will find the source of pain through careful observation, examination, and palpation of your horse. Techniques incorporated with difficult-to-find lameness include flexion tests; local anesthesia (nerve blocks or joint injection); diagnostic imaging, etc.
For cases outside our expertise, we are pleased to refer to facilities with advanced imaging and surgical capabilities.

Microchip ID
Going to a nationally sanctioned competition?
Traveling internationally?
Just want to know your horse is permanently--and painlessly--identified as yours?
There are many reasons why a microchip might be right for your horse. In a matter of minutes, we will anesthetize a tiny area at the crest of your horse's neck, and implant a sterile microchip.
Your lifetime chip registration comes pre-paid; all you have to do is
Follow This Link to record all your personal information with Microchip ID systems, Inc.
It's that simple!